Importance of teeth cleaning

Dental hygiene is vital for individuals of all ages. It can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, or oral cancer. Brushing and flossing are essential for removing plaque that accumulates on teeth and below the gum line.

What are teeth cleaning?

Teeth cleaning, also called scaling, is a procedure in which plaque and tartar are removed from teeth. A Norfolk dentist uses specific instruments for removing dental plaque and tartar.

Teeth cleaning is usually done every six months, but it may be done yearly if you have healthy gums and teeth.

 Who is it for?

Tooth cleaning is done for all ages but is more important for children since the teeth and gums are not yet fully grown.

Teeth cleaning may be needed for people who have problems with gingivitis or periodontitis since these conditions cannot be treated without removing plaque and tartar from teeth first.

As we grow older, our dental needs also change. The frequency of dental visits can also shift from one individual to another.

Benefits of Tooth cleaning

There are several benefits when teeth cleaning is done. Among them are:

1. Reduces the risk of gum disease.

Tartar is difficult to remove; even if removed, it tends to return after a few months. When plaque and tartar accumulate on teeth, gum diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis can lead to gum disease. Many people with gum disease need regular teeth cleaning to prevent severe problems in the future.

2. Helps keep teeth strong and healthy.

When plaque and tartar are removed from the roots of teeth, the teeth can develop better. Since the root is cleaned, it prevents further attacks of cavities and bad breath. It also prevents bone loss that can occur if you have gum disease. The teeth are also protected from tooth decay, and the sensitivity of teeth is reduced. You can also enjoy a friendly smile if plaque and tartar are removed from your teeth.

3. Prevents bad breath.

If plaque and tartar are not removed from the roots of teeth, they can cause bad breath. Without plaque and tartar, bacteria that colonize teeth can lead to bad breath or halitosis. However, such conditions can easily be prevented if teeth cleaning is done right after brushing and flossing.

4. Prevents cavities in all cases as you get older.

Cavities in teeth can lead to some severe problems if they are not cleaned. Cavities are also visible in the mouth and can make you self-conscious. With the help of teeth cleaning, you will protect your teeth and prevent cavities, tooth sensitivity and pain.

5. Gives a whiter smile

With teeth cleaning, your teeth will always look whiter and brighter. You will no longer have discoloured or stained teeth since your teeth are healthy. The appearance of teeth will make you more confident. There are also some options for improving the smile, such as teeth whitening and crowns.

6. Prevents oral cancer

Since plaque and tartar are removed from teeth, the risk of getting oral cancer is also minimized. Oral cancer can affect any part of your mouth, such as lips, cheeks, tongue, gums and roof of the mouth. It may not be painful but can lead to severe problems if you don’t treat it in time. For people who have teeth cleaning done regularly, the risk of getting oral cancer is lowered since the condition is prevented in the first place.

7. Reduces tooth sensitivity.

When plaque and tartar are removed from teeth, the risk of cavities and tooth sensitivity is also minimized. A healthy smile is also maintained since your gums are strong and your teeth don’t get stained quickly. With regular teeth cleaning, you can have the perfect smile that you always wanted.

8. Prevents tooth loss.

If plaque and tartar are not removed from the roots of teeth, there is a high risk of losing teeth. You can prevent tooth loss by having teeth cleaning done multiple times each year. Removing all plaque and tartar right away may not be possible, so some of them will return after some time, but it’s still better than losing two or three teeth while you’re young.


There is no reason why you cannot have a healthy and beautiful smile. You need to make tooth cleaning a part of your schedule. If you don’t clean your teeth, your gums and teeth will become unhealthy, and the appearance of your smile will take a turn for the worst. So get your teeth cleaned at least once a year so you can have the perfect smile you always wanted.
